Melody Mussell

BA (hons).

Falmouth College of Arts. 

I remember vividly as a child the first time a piece of art resonated with me, there was a feeling of timelessness as I stared at the painting, absorbed by the colours, lines and emotional frequency captured by the artist.

I felt it echoing within me, activating a feeling, a story I had been holding on to, that now recognised, felt less constricting. In that moment of conscious connection something shifted within me. I was fascinated by the idea of how a painting could activate the viewer to transcend a moment and it still inspires me to draw and paint today.

The beginning of a new chapter for me, this body of work represents a combination of both chiropractic study and curiosity.

The Giclée prints for sale started as paintings, hand drawn using pencil, pen, gold-leaf and watercolour on hand made cotton and rag paper. Digitally capturing the paintings means the multifarious potentials made available beyond the finished image can be explored resulting in visual variations on a theme, further gateways to alternatives and potential perspectives.

It is an evolving and expanding body of work aspiring to inspire your curiosity.